Creating a cleaner energy for a cleaner planet!
About Us
The Peebco Energy Group is a green energy power company that specializes in the following categories:
The creation of grid-free and fossil-free, green electrical energy
Salt & fresh water purification systems
Plasma gasification processes
Precious metal purification and mining processes
A major gasification power plant
Below are the following commercial projects we will be starting in 2017 and 2018:
The development of the South Rim of the United States' Grand Canyon. Within this tourist resort area will be the below commercial operations for the Navajo Sovereign Nation:
A 200-room hospital
A Navajo Code Talker's museum and visitor’s center
Three hotels
A large Imax movie theater
Several mid-size white-box stores
Several big-box stores
An 18-hole golf course
Additional international commercial endeavors by the Peebco Energy Group are:
An Olympic track & field (and other sports) training stadium
A Precious metal (i.e. Gold, Silver, and Platinum) and black sand mining operation in Panama, Central America
A Precious metal (i.e. Gold, Silver, and Platinum) and black sand mining operation in Central Mexico
West Africa’s Gold City Development & Green Electrical Energy Provider for the Gold City Refinery Complex
A 1,394-mile commercial railway development in Ghana, West Africa. Along this railway line will be fresh water lines, green energy power lines, and high-speed fiber optic lines.